
Checkout BrazilJS Conf 2019




Barra Shopping Sul
Av. Diário de Notícias, 300
Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil
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Sobre o Evento

A maior e mais querida conferência JavaScript do mundo

Sobre esta edição

Estamos de volta!
A BrazilJS Conf chega em sua 9ª edição.

Estamos preparando um super evento com palestras incríveis, uma estrutura confortável e um ambiente seguro e amigável.

Nós ouvimos vocês! Faremos algumas mudanças com base na pesquisa do ano passado. Esse ano a edição será impecável. Promessa hein?!


O evento acontecerá nos dias 23 e 24 de Agosto, em Porto Alegre, no Barra Shopping Sul.

Grade de horários

Mattias Johansson
Build a neural network with pure javascript - no libraries, no math notation, no python
Este é um workshop pago, você pode se inscrever no link: Sempre que eu tento aprender sobre machine learning e inteligência artificial, todo o material que encontro sempre tem muitas coisas que são ungoogleable, como por exemplo: notação matemática, grandes bibliotecas complexas como o Tensorflow e até mesmo coisas de neurociência. Alguns materiais foram mais práticos, mas todos usavam Python para explicar as coisas. Eu desejei que alguém pudesse ao menos me mostrar o conceito de redes neurais usando JavaScript simples, para que eu pudesse entender primeiro sem as distrações. Neste workshop, faremos exatamente isso, e você aprenderá que uma rede neural é na verdade um conceito muito simples, e que você vai pensar que machine learning será muito menos assustador depois.
Gerard Sans
Workshop AWS Amplify
Este é um workshop free. Se inscreva em: In this workshop we will be introducing AWS Amplify a modern toolchain, libraries and UI components to build modern Fullstack Serverless Apps. You will be building a fully featured Application from development to production.
DWeb Meeting
Este é um evento free. Se inscreva em: Primeiro encontro DWeb de dabates sobre Web descentralizada.
Mattias Johansson
Build a neural network with pure javascript - no libraries, no math notation, no python
Este é um workshop pago, você pode se inscrever no link: Sempre que eu tento aprender sobre machine learning e inteligência artificial, todo o material que encontro sempre tem muitas coisas que são ungoogleable, como por exemplo: notação matemática, grandes bibliotecas complexas como o Tensorflow e até mesmo coisas de neurociência. Alguns materiais foram mais práticos, mas todos usavam Python para explicar as coisas. Eu desejei que alguém pudesse ao menos me mostrar o conceito de redes neurais usando JavaScript simples, para que eu pudesse entender primeiro sem as distrações. Neste workshop, faremos exatamente isso, e você aprenderá que uma rede neural é na verdade um conceito muito simples, e que você vai pensar que machine learning será muito menos assustador depois.
AMP Roadshow
Este é um evento free. Se inscreva em: AMP roadshow é um evento free, organizado pelo time do AMP e o Google.
AfrotechBR International Meeting
Se inscreva em: Primeiro evento internacional da Comunidade AfrotechBR, integrando a programação oficial da BrazilJS Conf 2019.
A Definir
A Definir
Rodrigo Ribeiro
JavaScript como primeira linguagem de programação
Algumas pessoas dizem que não há uma melhor linguagem de programação. Mas, para começar, acredito que exista uma sim. E é JavaScript. Existem vários motivos para o uso de JavaScript. Que vão desde a facilidade de aprendizado até as ferramentas. Com essa palestra (talk), quero mostrar o porquê escolhemos para Tecnogueto esta linguagem e também como montamos nosso método de ensino baseado nisto.
A Definir
Eva Bojorges
Building an Empire: How To Use Programming and Game Theory to Make Strategic Decisions
You can win any game with the right knowledge. But be careful: data is powerless unless it drives our actions. This talk will show you how to use game theory to formalize your strategy, leverage your data, and gain a competitive edge in any scenario. Starting with a simple board game and expanding to building a business, you’ll learn valuable strategies to make data-driven decisions that greatly improve your odds for victory.
Kenneth Christiansen
Project Fugu, reaching parity with native
If you have been to any conference the last five years, you have probably heard about Progressive Web Apps (PWA). Web sites that can progressively turn into app like experiences and be installed on your devices. PWAs now also work on desktop systems, but usually desktop applications have different requirements as they are usually used for creating, in contract to consumption on mobile. As a user you want to be able to access your files, copy paste without issues, not having the screen turn off while giving a presentation, you want access to printers and other devices, access to local fonts. The list goes on! Currently most of those things are only available to native apps and are not things you want your random web sites to have access to. Project Fugu is the project to extend the web with more native like capabilities in a way that is safe and understood by the users. Join this talk to learn more about the exciting things we are working on as part of Project Fugu.
A Definir
Keilla Menezes
Elementar, meu caro Ivy
Ivy traz estratégias para obtenção de aplicações com melhor performance no ecossistema do desenvolvimento web. Além disso, o Angular Elements possibilita criar componentes agnósticos de framework de maneira fácil. Nesta talk demonstrarei como combinar o poder do Angular Compiler Ivy com o Web Components não apenas para obter bundles otimizados, mas também carregar componentes mais rapidamente, empoderando aplicativos Web que você desenvolve.
Erick Wendel
GraphQL + Apollo Server + Azure Functions = Magic
Serverless applications have been helping many companies to spend less money on infrastructure, application management and performance by passing the responsibility to their 3rd-party provider platforms. The union between GraphQL and Serverless functions is are a great solution to create applications with no worries about scaling, performance, and maintainability. In this talk attendees will see how to start in the Serverless architecture world by use of Azure Functions platform and expose their services using GraphQL and Apollo Server, providing a rich and secure frontend. We will take a look at the following topics: - Introduction to Azure Functions - Benefits and Drawbacks adopting Serverless architectures - Adopting GraphQL, Apollo Server and Azure Functions in real scenarios - Tips and tricks about production experiences
Ben Morss
We Built an E-commerce Site with AMP
Initially created to make static mobile sites for publishers, AMP is increasingly finding a use in interactive, responsive sites. But any new framework introduces new challenges! So we created our own AMP e-commerce site to find the best ways to create a site that worked well for the users - and for us, the programmers. We'll talk about why AMP was created, how it works, and then show you some of the clever tricks and techniques we discovered.
Carla Vieira
O front-end como você conhece vai morrer
Se pensarmos que a inteligência artificial já consegue substituir alguns empregos, como fica o futuro do front-end diante deste cenário? A profissão de desenvolvedor front-end está suscetível a mudanças, assim como qualquer outra. Toda tarefa mecânica, repetitiva e manual tende a ser automatizada, então, logo não vamos precisar de alguém executando o trabalho de front-end de ponta a ponta. O core da responsabilidade de um front-end é implementar o layout original e integrar a interface com o back-end, seu dia se resume em alternar entre as janelas do Sublime / Sketch / Browser / API. Mais cedo ou mais tarde a profissão de front-end como nós conhecemos até hoje vai deixar de existir.
A Definir
Drishti Jain
Virtual reality for all
Do you like the experience of immersing yourself into the perfect virtual world? Then get ready, this talk will support you to build your own virtual reality experience on the web! Get ready to learn to develop VR! Virtual reality is an artificial environment that is created with software and presented to the user in such a way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a real environment. On a computer, virtual reality is primarily experienced through two of the five senses: sight and sound. Since the past few years, virtual reality has been a rising trend and the market is filled with a number of headsets have their own delightful features. As a developer, creating VR becomes tedious as there are a number of Proprietary tools for creating VR experiences which have their own requirements for ecosystems, controllers, software installations etc. Even simplest of applications needs a lot of complex code to be written to manage the two primary engaged senses in VR – sight and sound. A-frame is a web framework for building Virtual Reality experiences. It is an open source tool which provides cross platform compatibility and immediate deployment of applications without the gateways of proprietary VR app stores. The talk will cover virtual reality, its basics. Building a web VR hello world scene, Using the inspector; Building a basic 360 degree gallery, Components; Entity-Component system Using Javascript and DOM APIs, using with three.js Interactions & Controllers, tips and diving deep into it. The talk will enable participants to gain knowledge and build web based Virtual reality environments for games, work or fun!
Filip Stanis
Off the main thread: Web Workers and WorkerDOM
To add support for arbitrary script execution in AMP, we needed a way to execute JavaScript in a way which is sandboxed, performant and not UI-blocking. To achieve this, we needed a way to access the DOM from a background thread. This talk explores how you can do the same.
Mattias Johansson
Surviving death by complexity
It feels like a law of nature that features are added to software at a pace much faster than they are removed. It seems like our nice simple software always eventually evolves into a slobbering complexity monster, incomprehensible for its users and unmaintainable by its developers. Is this an unavoidable phenomenon? If so, how can we adapt to that, as software creators?
A Definir
Mina Markham
Full-Featured Art Direction for the Web
Now that we have the tools to superpower our layouts, we can start to reimagine how we approach art direction and design on the web. By taking advantage of technologies, some new and some overlooked, we can create a progressively-enhanced design that’s powered by feature queries; one that’s localized for an increasingly global audience. In this talk drawn from her work for Slack and other properties, Mina walks through her process for enhancing design and shows how little changes lead to big design payoffs.
A Definir
Rajat Kumar
Conditional Modules & Dynamic Bundling, A Netflix Original
Netflix runs hundreds of A/B tests a year and we have seen exponential growth in variations of user experiences we serve to our Netflix users. Pre-publishing these millions of variations of the UI bundles to allow for these unique experiences, was not possible at Netflix’s scale. So what did we do? We built our own Conditional Module Bundler. Take a look at how Netflix uses conditional dependency graph and runtime dynamic bundling to generate unique UI bundles and the challenges involved in building such a system. Learn about how we hacked Webpack for our needs, leveraged Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) to identify conditional dependencies in our dependency graph and glued them all together to build a highly scalable, server side JS and CSS bundler, that serves these unique user experiences to millions of Netflix customers across the globe.
Leo Balter
Internacionalização na Web
O JavaScript é sem duvidas a linguagem mais popular no mundo, porém ainda está em seus primeiros passos no desenvolvimento de suas interfaces de internacionalização. Entenda como esse processo é importante e fique por dentro das ferramentas disponíveis para expandir o alcance de suas aplicações no mundo todo!
A Definir
Glaucia Lemos
Criando API's Escaláveis com Node.js & Serverless
Node.Js é escalável. O Azure também é um serviço de nuvem escalável. E o que acha de usar os dois juntos e mais o Serveless?! Quais os benefícios de usarmos uma Arquitetura Serverless em aplicações Node.js integradas com Azure? Quais são os ganhos em usar essas tecnologias? Durante a palestra, estarei falando sobre como podemos definir uma arquitetura altamente escalável usando Node.js com Azure Functions baseado numa arquitetura Serverless. E claro que vai ter uma super demo em como podemos criar um Serverless Function App no Azure! :)
Miguel Useche
Take your application to the web with WebAssembly
WebAssembly is a new type of code that can be executed in modern web browsers through a compact binary format that runs at near-native speed without any plugins. This have a great impact for the web, because it gives a new way to run code from other languages into the web at near native performance, providing client apps with a technology to run high performance applications in such way that was not possible before. WebAssembly lets you port your current code to the web. You can compile code written in C, Go or Rust into WASM as target, so you can reuse your current apps or call part of the code from a JavaScript context and access browser functionalities using the same Web APIs accessible from JavaScript. This talk will be an introduction of what's possible to do with WASM. I will discuss the following topics: * Small brief about Javascript performance * Introduction of scenarios where high performance could be required. * What is WASM, its components and features. * How can you take your existing code to WASM. * Code interaction between JS and WASM (and vice-versa) * Code examples and a brief presentation of demos (video or live). * Demo of PHP code running in the browser with WASM * Firefox's Dev Tools for working with WASM. * Where you can get more information about it. Attendees will learn the basics of this game-changer web technology, how to start to create high performance apps from scratch or migrate existing ones written in other languages like C/C++ or Rust to WebAssembly. All by using open technologies!
Gerard Sans
Ivy Renderer for Dummies
What is exactly Ivy Renderer? What features will affect the way we build apps? How can we benefit for this technology? In this presentation I will cover these and other fundamental questions while demonstrating all the features available today!
André Natal
Mozilla, Open Source, Voz, e Inteligência Artificial
Em sua palestra, André irá demonstrar o funcionamento de uma stack de voz por completo, e como os desenvolvedores podem habilitar suas aplicações web com inteligência artificial e fala utilizando os projetos e ferramentas open source do Mozilla.
A Definir
Orta Therox
TypeScript: From the outside-in
Orta Therox is an Engineer on the TypeScript team with a focus on documentation, tooling and the ecosystem. Open Source is his native tongue from over a decade of community work. This work ranges from maintaining large projects like CocoaPods and Danger, to working with the core teams on projects like Jest, Storybooks, React Native and Prettier and helping out with design. Not content to just make developer tools, he recently co-created Flappy Royale – an open source battle royale version of Flappy Bird with tens of millions of games played.
Keoni Mahelona
Digital Sovereignty - how guardianship of data and technology enables communities to thrive
My paper covers the work of our organisation over the last 30 years in preserving and promoting our indigenous language through media. We've recently jumped on the digital bandwagon and have done remote multi-cam livestreams on a budget using iPhones and RaspberryPis. We've also built the first automatic speech recogniser for a pacific language (Te Reo Māori). We are guided by our cultural values and protocols, which have globally reaching lessons around how society should look after data and how we should held accountable.
William Oliveira
Ascensão social pelo apoio das comunidades de programação
Comunidades tem um poder imenso de movimentar tecnologias, trazer inovação para produtos digitais e até mesmo para fiscalizar o avanço das empresas que usam nosso código. Mas existe algo muito mais poderoso, e até mais importante, que as comunidades fazem: transformação social.