Orta Therox is an Engineer on the TypeScript team with a focus on documentation, tooling and the ecosystem. Open Source is his native tongue from over a decade of community work. This work ranges from maintaining large projects like CocoaPods and Danger, to working with the core teams on projects like Jest, Storybooks, React Native and Prettier and helping out with design. Not content to just make developer tools, he recently co-created Flappy Royale – an open source battle royale version of Flappy Bird with tens of millions of games played.
Drishti is a Computer Engineer at heart and a technology enthusiast. She loves to use technology to help the less fortunate. She believes in democratizing opportunities and brings knowledge of the latest developments in the fast-moving field of technology to deserving students, and keep them up to date and well-equipped for their respective professional careers.
She has spoken at conferences across the globe and is also a social entrepreneur. Her non-profit organisation - Samyak Drishti Foundation works in environment, education and healthcare sectors and operates in 10 cities across India.
In her spare time, she likes to paint nature, explore new places and anchor live shows.
As a developer advocate, Filip works with Google's large partners to help them make the most out of the latest web technologies such as AMP. He's passionate about UX design and the open web, and contributes to other open source projects in his spare time. He holds a BCompSc from Union University in Serbia.
André Natal é engenheiro de soluções de voz no Mozilla em Mountain View há mais de quatro anos, e é responsável pela idealização e desenvolvimento de populares projetos, como Common Voice, Web Speech API, Voice Fill, Deep Speech, entre vários outros.
Pioneiro no desenvolvimento de aplicações utilizando fala, anteriormente ao Mozilla atuou em diversos projetos de voz na Europa, América do Sul e Estados Unidos, tanto em companhias públicas quanto privadas em diversos setores e plataformas, e recebeu em 2017 o prêmio de um dos 20 latinos mais influentes nos Estados Unidos pela CNET.
Graduanda de Sistemas de Informação pela USP, trabalha transformando dados em conhecimento e atua como Evangelista na Womakerscode, buscando empoderar mais mulheres na tecnologia. Acredita na tecnologia como ferramenta de transformação social e tem estudado sobre como o viés inconsciente tem afetado a Inteligência Artificial e quais seus impactos no futuro da humanidade.
Glaucia Lemos é Regional Cloud Advocate LATAM 🥑 na Microsoft. Ama realizar contribuições em projetos Open Source. Atua como Member & Contributor no Node.js Foundation e no React Community realizando contribuições nas traduções do site Nodejs.org e Reactjs.org para o português.Também atua como: Community Leader & Tech Speaker do Meetup Coders in Rio , Technical Author no Portal iMasters e Volunteer & Tech Speaker do WoMakersCode.
I work for an indigenous non-profit. We build digital platforms, and we're teaching machines our indigenous language (te reo Māori) through the help of machine learning.
Miguel Useche
Universidad del Táchira
Miguel is a Mozilla TechSpeaker who loves to evangelize about the latest and newest open web technologies to make a better web. He's being doing web developing since the past millenium and has been volunteering in many open source communities as coder, translator, writing about web technologies in his blog and as speaker at events. Currently works as a Operating Systems and Programming professor at Universidad del Táchira, Venezuela. From there, he tries to promote open technologies among students and local professionals by organizing tech events or the local meetups.
Rajat is a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix and is passionate about building products. He enjoys writing code in Javascript because he believes Javascript has its own complexities and imperfections that mimic the real world.
Rajat has been involved in several engineering challenges at Netflix, including Conditional Runtime Bundler called Codex, Netflix’s NodeJS PaaS called NodeQuark. He also maintains and is a core contributor to Restify (http://restify.com).
Eva is a data scientist, machine learning engineer, and back-end developer with experience in scalability issues, system administration, and more. She is an expert in Python, Ruby, and Go, and speaks at events worldwide about data science. Eva is a digital nomad and Toptal's Regional Lead for Latin America.
Rodrigo Ribeiro
Tenho atuado no mercado digital nos últimos 6 anos e desenvolvendo produtos digitais para pequenas, médias e grandes empresas
Empresas dos segmentos mais variados como por exemplo: viagem, moda, varejo e financeiro. Em modelos B2C e Marketplace.
Hoje trabalho integralmente na Tecnogueto. Que é uma iniciativa social que tem como missão, socializar e mudar o cenário atual, ensinando profissões nas diversas áreas dentro da tecnologia e promovendo a diversidade de gênero, raça/etnia e cultural; formando excelentes profissionais e preparando-os para enfrentar os desafios e oportunidades que o mundo da tecnologia dispõe.
Erick Wendel is a Speaker, Software Consultant and community Co-organizer in Brazil. Named by Microsoft as Most Valuable Professional, and by Google as Google Developer Expert, a specialist in Node.js and Javascript Applications.
Ben is a Developer Advocate at Google, where he’s working to help the Web be faster and more beautiful. Prior to Google, he worked at the New York Times and AOL, and before that he was a full-time musician. He earned a BA in Computer Science at Harvard and a PhD in Music at the University of California. He's incredibly excited to be making his second visit to BrazilJS! Rumor is that he still runs a band called Ancient Babies.
Gerard is a Developer Advocate at AWS. He is very excited about the future of the Web and JavaScript. Always happy Computer Science Engineer and humble Angular GDE. He loves to share his learnings by giving talks, trainings and writing about cool technologies. He loves running AngularZone and GraphQL London, mentoring students and giving back to the community.
Kenneth Christiansen
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen is a Danish software engineer and architect, specialized in mobile and web technology. Working at Intel out of Copenhagen, Kenneth helps define Intel’s strategy and plans regarding the Web Platform, as well as puts it into action. Before joining Intel, Kenneth was employed by Nokia (Denmark and Brazil) where he worked on the Nokia N9 web browser, Qt, WebKit, as well as many other mobile projects. Kenneth is an elected member of the W3C Technical Architect Group (TAG).
Christian Nwamba
Christian is an Engineer and Developer Advocate at Microsoft. He's keen about the next billion users and emerging tech markets. He is constantly seeking for more ways to make technology accessible to beginners, third-world countries, under-represented groups, etc.
Open Web Engineer at Bocoup, Editor of ECMA-402, Maintainer of Test262.
Originally from Rio de Janeiro, currently based in Boston, Leo represents Bocoup at TC39 and supports promoting a better open web to everyone.
Keilla Menezes
Keilla tem 11 anos de experiência na área, é graduada em Ciência da Computação pela UFBA, consultora sênior de desenvolvimento na ThoughtWorks e GDE Angular.
Desenvolvedor de software, escritor e mentor. Apaixonado pela plataforma web, open source e JavaScript, focado em inserir pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade social na área de programação.Trabalhando com desenvolvimento web desde 2014, já passei por projetos em PHP, C#, Python, jQuery, Angular.js, SQL Server, MySQL e PostgreSQL. Hoje atuo como fullstack especializado no desenvolvimento client side (Web e Android) com React e React Native. Encontrei na internet a possibilidade de mudar vidas. Comunidades de programação e open source fizeram da minha carreira e da minha vida o que é hoje e por isso eu tento retribuir as pessoas que fizeram isso por mim compartilhando aquilo que me foi dado. Tenho a missão pessoal de ensinar programação para pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade social para que elas tenham a mesma oportunidade de mudança de vida que eu tive. Compartilho conhecimento através do meu blog, canal no YouTube, podcast e aulas presenciais na periferia de São Paulo. Minha missão é dar oportunidade para quem não tem esperança de um futuro melhor.
Mina Markham is a Senior Engineer at Slack. She’s a lover of design systems and prolific public speaker, appearing at events worldwide, including CSS Dev Conf, Fluent, and Future of Web Design. Mina also co-organizes Front Porch Conference.
Previously at Hillary for America, her work on the Pantsuit pattern library has been spotlighted in WIRED, Forbes, Fast Company, and Communication Arts. Mina likes ampersands, Oreos, traveling, cupcakes, and the color pink. She lives in Oakland, California.
Mattias Johansson
MPJ runs Fun Fun Function, a YouTube show about programming with over 200 000 subscribers. Prior to that, he has worked as a developer for 13 years, for companies such as Spotify, Absolute Vodka and Blackberry. His record for solving the Rubik’s Cube is 88 seconds but he has never been able to do a single correct time estimation in his life.